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Posted on 7th September 2021

5 Ways to help cope with loneliness when the kids go to school…without drinking or taking drugs

A home can feel empty as your children start, or return to, school. Many parents have to deal with feelings of sadness and anxiety when their children no longer need their care, love and attention during the day.

For a parent who may have used drinking or using as a crutch previously, this can be a dangerous time as the temptation to fill the void sets in.


Here are 5 ways to help cope with feelings of separation and sadness when the kids go to school…without drinking or taking drugs


Talk to a friend in the same situation

Social media is full of ‘delighted’ parents celebrating getting their life back now that school has started again. But we can guarantee you that other parents feel the same sense of loss and sadness.

Talk to your friends, meet for a coffee, send someone an honest message – little things that help so much when you are alone with your thoughts


Do something for YOU

The house being quiet shouldn’t just be a chance to catch up on laundry. Do something for you, and only you. If that’s reading, watching back to back episodes of Holly & Phil, gym classes or even just having a nap – do something that is solely benefiting you and will make you feel good.


Spend time planning for the weekend

Invest all that love (and spare time) into the weekend! Spend time planning activities, booking trips and helping to make the weekend as special as possible. Just because they’re not under your feet doesn’t mean you have to stop looking out for them – you can still be an excellent parent by making your time together at the weekend even better.


Talk to a professional

There are many free to use counselling and talking services, or at the least they may require a chartable donation. But talking to a professional will help you process your thoughts in a way you may have done before and can really help discourage you from using/drinking to fill the void of your children.


Get a dog

We’re being serious! A dog will give you love and affection, plus will need walking and training and that means filling up large chunks of your day with healthy past times. The health benefits of walking are almost endless, and it is especially good for someone trying to keep themselves feeling mentally good.


If you feel you need additional help with your drinking or drug use, our Outpatient Detox is totally discreet and tailored to you. You don’t need to ‘check in to rehab’; the treatment is flexible around your life.

Get in touch today for a call back from our friendly, discreet and experienced professionals. We can’t wait to hear from you.


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