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Posted on 2nd November 2021

3 ways to make your work Christmas party a welcoming place for non-drinkers

It’s the cliché isn’t it – work Christmas party means everyone having a few too many and dreading the Monday morning meeting.

The fact is that not everyone in that room wants a drink, or should be having a drink. So how do you plan festive celebrations, whilst being respectful to those employees who don’t drink alcohol?


Here are 3 ways to make your work Christmas party a welcoming place for non-drinkers


  1. Make it a day thing!

We don’t care how old you are, a theme park is brilliant! Or a spa day, clay pigeon shooting, even a murder mystery lunch, the ideas are endless It doesn’t have to be a meal, a speech from the MD, and wine on the table, with those that are left at the end of the night heading off to a bar until 2am.

Think about alternative ideas, and in doing so you will make people who are avoiding alcohol  feel that bit more welcome.


  1. Remind people before

Most people who don’t drink alcohol will have no issue with other people drinking it. But they (like most of us when sober) might have an issue with drunk people. Without highlighting anyone and causing embarrassment, you might want to consider a polite reminder to staff ahead of the party about conduct and personal responsibility. This way the non-drinkers in the room are less likely to feel like outsiders when everyone else is under the effects.


  1. Don’t do it at all

There are many people now in the professional world that consider a Christmas party as a dated concept. Some businesses now choose to issue rewards such as additional annual leave, an early finish, or vouchers as a way to celebrate the year that is gone. Sure, that might not have the team building qualities you might be looking for – but that can be done in an inclusive and welcoming environment for all.


If you have identified that an employee needs help with their drinking, get in touch for advice guidance and details of our Outpatient Community Detox discreet and fits around the individual’s life. There’s no need to ‘check in to rehab’ and turn their life on its head, the treatment is flexible and is designed to fit around their life.

One of our friendly and experienced advisors are looking forward to speaking with you.



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