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Posted on 20th June 2019

Horizon DEAP – Exploring addiction at a personal level

Horizon provides a wide range of support for people struggling with addiction in Blackpool.

One of the programmes we offer is the Dependency, Emotional, Attachment Programme (DEAP). DEAP is available to those who have achieved abstinence (even if this is just a day) and are motivated to maintain long-term recovery.

DEAP explores addiction at a personal level, supporting people to deal with unresolved issues.

Here is just one example of the difference DEAP can make to people’s lives:

Luke had a longstanding history of drug and alcohol misuse. He has been in prison on several occasions for various crimes fuelled by alcohol and drugs.

Following a recent incident where he was arrested, Luke was advised to access treatment. In the past, Luke had tried to reduce his drinking on his own without support from specialist services, but was unsuccessful.

He was advised that group work would be beneficial to help him improve his communication skills and build his self-esteem. He was referred to the Pre-DEAP group by his keyworker and attended the full six weeks before being referred to the DEAP programme.

Luke was apprehensive at first and very defensive in group sessions but, after reading his life story, he really settled into treatment and became more open around his peers.

Whilst in DEAP, we uncovered some deep-seated difficulties from his past and bereavement issues, which were still very raw. He was able to work through this in group and, over time, his communication skills started to improve and his anxiety subsided.

He also became very supportive of his peers and learned to both accept and give good constructive feedback. He fully engaged in DEAP and successfully completed the 12 week programme within the community.

During his time on DEAP, we arranged social services meetings with Luke and his partner. We were able to work together to build a robust care plan, sharing information and working to bring the family back together.

On discharge form DEAP, Luke applied to volunteer with Horizon. He is currently working with clients on DEAP and RAMP, supporting them to complete assignments, and sharing his experience with recovery. He often facilitates the Friday Recovery Group, and continues to work with the team to help with future employment.

Luke is also starting a counselling course at college, and says he wants to give something back to the community as he has a lot of gratitude for the treatment he has received.

Luke is no longer offending an, having reached a state of abstinence, he is now in a position to begin contributing to society. He hopes to gain employment in the coming weeks or months.

For more information about the services delivered by Horizon, visit

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