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Posted on 18th December 2012

Community detox scheme halves cost and doubles effectiveness

Delphi Medical is a founding partner of the innovative Journey To Recovery (J2R) programme in North Lancashire, which aims to offer an effective alternative to residential detoxification for people with drug or alcohol addiction.

Since its launch in 2009 over 200 service users have entered the programme, with 95% completing detoxification successfully.

Of a sample size of 200 community detoxes, 89% of alcohol users and 46% of drug users remained abstinent after three months, around twice the usual success rate for residential detox.

As well as halving the cost of treatment, Comminity Detox has also meant that waiting times for treatment have fallen sharply – for example from 18 weeks to 2 weeks for treatment for alcohol addiction.

The founding principle of the scheme is that, whilst residential centres do fine work, treating addiction within a community environment provides a much more sustainable recovery than one achieved in artificial circumstances.

If a service user can become abstinent in their own home, with family, friends and carer support, but in the very real setting of fighting against the temptations in their community (that would still be present when they came back from the traditional centre-based approach) then it is likely to have a much more solid foundation.

On this basis Delphi, in North Lancashire, have been offering supported community detoxification as a first line option to service users for both alcohol and opiates. Using risk assessment techniques and aiding those who faced challenges with housing or support they have been able to greatly increase the numbers who have been able to access detox.

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